What is Azure AD Privileged Identity Management?

Privileged Identity Management (PIM) is a service in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) that enables you to manage, control, and monitor access to important resources in your organization. These resources include resources in Azure AD, Azure, and other Microsoft Online Services such as Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Intune. The following video explains important PIM concepts and features.

Reasons to use

Organizations want to minimize the number of people who have access to secure information or resources, because that reduces the chance of

  • a malicious actor getting access
  • an authorized user inadvertently impacting a sensitive resource

However, users still need to carry out privileged operations in Azure AD, Azure, Microsoft 365, or SaaS apps. Organizations can give users just-in-time privileged access to Azure and Azure AD resources and can oversee what those users are doing with their privileged access.

License requirements

Using this feature requires either Microsoft Entra ID Governance or Microsoft Azure AD Premium P2 subscriptions. To find the right license for your requirements, see Compare generally available features of Microsoft Azure AD.

For information about licenses for users, see License requirements to use Privileged Identity Management.

What does it do?

Privileged Identity Management provides time-based and approval-based role activation to mitigate the risks of excessive, unnecessary, or misused access permissions on resources that you care about. Here are some of the key features of Privileged Identity Management:

  • Provide just-in-time privileged access to Azure AD and Azure resources
  • Assign time-bound access to resources using start and end dates
  • Require approval to activate privileged roles
  • Enforce multi-factor authentication to activate any role
  • Use justification to understand why users activate
  • Get notifications when privileged roles are activated
  • Conduct access reviews to ensure users still need roles
  • Download audit history for internal or external audit
  • Prevents removal of the last active Global Administrator and Privileged Role Administrator role assignments

What can I do with it?

Once you set up Privileged Identity Management, you’ll see TasksManage, and Activity options in the left navigation menu. As an administrator, you’ll choose between options such as managing Azure AD roles, managing Azure resource roles, or PIM for Groups. When you choose what you want to manage, you see the appropriate set of options for that option.

Screenshot of Privileged Identity Management in the Azure portal.

Who can do what?

For Azure AD roles in Privileged Identity Management, only a user who is in the Privileged Role Administrator or Global Administrator role can manage assignments for other administrators. Global Administrators, Security Administrators, Global Readers, and Security Readers can also view assignments to Azure AD roles in Privileged Identity Management.

For Azure resource roles in Privileged Identity Management, only a subscription administrator, a resource Owner, or a resource User Access administrator can manage assignments for other administrators. Users who are Privileged Role Administrators, Security Administrators, or Security Readers don’t by default have access to view assignments to Azure resource roles in Privileged Identity Management.


To better understand Privileged Identity Management and its documentation, you should review the following terms.

Term or conceptRole assignment categoryDescription
eligibleTypeA role assignment that requires a user to perform one or more actions to use the role. If a user has been made eligible for a role, that means they can activate the role when they need to perform privileged tasks. There’s no difference in the access given to someone with a permanent versus an eligible role assignment. The only difference is that some people don’t need that access all the time.
activeTypeA role assignment that doesn’t require a user to perform any action to use the role. Users assigned as active have the privileges assigned to the role.
activateThe process of performing one or more actions to use a role that a user is eligible for. Actions might include performing a multi-factor authentication (MFA) check, providing a business justification, or requesting approval from designated approvers.
assignedStateA user that has an active role assignment.
activatedStateA user that has an eligible role assignment, performed the actions to activate the role, and is now active. Once activated, the user can use the role for a pre-configured period of time before they need to activate again.
permanent eligibleDurationA role assignment where a user is always eligible to activate the role.
permanent activeDurationA role assignment where a user can always use the role without performing any actions.
time-bound eligibleDurationA role assignment where a user is eligible to activate the role only within start and end dates.
time-bound activeDurationA role assignment where a user can use the role only within start and end dates.
just-in-time (JIT) accessA model in which users receive temporary permissions to perform privileged tasks, which prevents malicious or unauthorized users from gaining access after the permissions have expired. Access is granted only when users need it.
principle of least privilege accessA recommended security practice in which every user is provided with only the minimum privileges needed to accomplish the tasks they’re authorized to perform. This practice minimizes the number of Global Administrators and instead uses specific administrator roles for certain scenarios.

Role assignment overview

The PIM role assignments give you a secure way to grant access to resources in your organization. This section describes the assignment process. It includes assign roles to members, activate assignments, approve or deny requests, extend and renew assignments.

PIM keeps you informed by sending you and other participants email notifications. These emails might also include links to relevant tasks, such activating, approve or deny a request.

The following screenshot shows an email message sent by PIM. The email informs Patti that Alex updated a role assignment for Emily.

Screenshot shows an email message sent by Privileged Identity Management.


The assignment process starts by assigning roles to members. To grant access to a resource, the administrator assigns roles to users, groups, service principals, or managed identities. The assignment includes the following data:

  • The members or owners to assign the role.
  • The scope of the assignment. The scope limits the assigned role to a particular set of resources.
  • The type of the assignment
    • Eligible assignments require the member of the role to perform an action to use the role. Actions might include activation, or requesting approval from designated approvers.
    • Active assignments don’t require the member to perform any action to use the role. Members assigned as active have the privileges assigned to the role.
  • The duration of the assignment, using start and end dates or permanent. For eligible assignments, the members can activate or requesting approval during the start and end dates. For active assignments, the members can use the assign role during this period of time.

The following screenshot shows how administrator assigns a role to members.

Screenshot of Privileged Identity Management role assignment.

For more information, check out the following articles: Assign Azure AD rolesAssign Azure resource roles, and Assign eligibility for a PIM for Groups


If users have been made eligible for a role, then they must activate the role assignment before using the role. To activate the role, users select specific activation duration within the maximum (configured by administrators), and the reason for the activation request.

The following screenshot shows how members activate their role to a limited time.

Screenshot of Privileged Identity Management role activation.

If the role requires approval to activate, a notification will appear in the upper right corner of the user’s browser informing them the request is pending approval. If an approval isn’t required, the member can start using the role.

For more information, check out the following articles: Activate Azure AD rolesActivate my Azure resource roles, and Activate my PIM for Groups roles

Approve or deny

Delegated approvers receive email notifications when a role request is pending their approval. Approvers can view, approve or deny these pending requests in PIM. After the request has been approved, the member can start using the role. For example, if a user or a group was assigned with Contribution role to a resource group, they’ll be able to manage that particular resource group.

For more information, check out the following articles: Approve or deny requests for Azure AD rolesApprove or deny requests for Azure resource roles, and Approve activation requests for PIM for Groups

Extend and renew assignments

After administrators set up time-bound owner or member assignments, the first question you might ask is what happens if an assignment expires? In this new version, we provide two options for this scenario:

  • Extend – When a role assignment nears expiration, the user can use Privileged Identity Management to request an extension for the role assignment
  • Renew – When a role assignment has already expired, the user can use Privileged Identity Management to request a renewal for the role assignment

Both user-initiated actions require an approval from a Global Administrator or Privileged Role Administrator. Admins don’t need to be in the business of managing assignment expirations. You can just wait for the extension or renewal requests to arrive for simple approval or denial.

For more information, check out the following articles: Extend or renew Azure AD role assignmentsExtend or renew Azure resource role assignments, and Extend or renew PIM for Groups assignments


Privileged Identity Management supports the following scenarios:

Privileged Role Administrator permissions

  • Enable approval for specific roles
  • Specify approver users or groups to approve requests
  • View request and approval history for all privileged roles

Approver permissions

  • View pending approvals (requests)
  • Approve or reject requests for role elevation (single and bulk)
  • Provide justification for my approval or rejection

Eligible role user permissions

  • Request activation of a role that requires approval
  • View the status of your request to activate
  • Complete your task in Azure AD if activation was approved

Managing privileged access Azure AD groups (preview)

In Privileged Identity Management (PIM), you can now assign eligibility for membership or ownership of PIM for Groups. Starting with this preview, you can assign Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) built-in roles to cloud groups and use PIM to manage group member and owner eligibility and activation. For more information about role-assignable groups in Azure AD, see Use Azure AD groups to manage role assignments.


To assign a PIM for Groups to a role for administrative access to Exchange, Security & Compliance Center, or SharePoint, use the Azure portal Roles and Administrators experience and not in the PIM for Groups experience to make the user or group eligible for activation into the group.

Different just-in-time policies for each group

Some organizations use tools like Azure AD business-to-business (B2B) collaboration to invite their partners as guests to their Azure AD organization. Instead of a single just-in-time policy for all assignments to a privileged role, you can create two different PIM for Groups with their own policies. You can enforce less strict requirements for your trusted employees, and stricter requirements like approval workflow for your partners when they request activation into their assigned group.

Activate multiple role assignments in one request

With the PIM for Groups preview, you can give workload-specific administrators quick access to multiple roles with a single just-in-time request. For example, your Tier 3 Office Admins might need just-in-time access to the Exchange Admin, Office Apps Admin, Teams Admin, and Search Admin roles to thoroughly investigate incidents daily. Before today it would require four consecutive requests, which are a process that takes some time. Instead, you can create a role assignable group called “Tier 3 Office Admins”, assign it to each of the four roles previously mentioned (or any Azure AD built-in roles) and enable it for Privileged Access in the group’s Activity section. Once enabled for privileged access, you can configure the just-in-time settings for members of the group and assign your admins and owners as eligible. When the admins elevate into the group, they’ll become members of all four Azure AD roles.

Invite guest users and assign Azure resource roles in Privileged Identity Management

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) guest users are part of the business-to-business (B2B) collaboration capabilities within Azure AD so that you can manage external guest users and vendors as guests in Azure AD. For example, you can use these Privileged Identity Management features for Azure identity tasks with guests such as assigning access to specific Azure resources, specifying assignment duration and end date, or requiring two-step verification on active assignment or activation. For more information on how to invite a guest to your organization and manage their access, see Add B2B collaboration users in the Azure portal.

When would you invite guests?

Here are a couple examples of when you might invite guests to your organization:

  • Allow an external self-employed vendor that only has an email account to access your Azure resources for a project.
  • Allow an external partner in a large organization that uses on-premises Active Directory Federation Services to access your expense application.
  • Allow support engineers not in your organization (such as Microsoft support) to temporarily access your Azure resource to troubleshoot issues.

How does collaboration using B2B guests work?

When you use B2B collaboration, you can invite an external user to your organization as a guest. The guest can be managed as a user in your organization, but a guest has to be authenticated in their home organization and not in your Azure AD organization. This means that if the guest no longer has access to their home organization, they also lose access to your organization. For example, if the guest leaves their organization, they automatically lose access to any resources you shared with them in Azure AD without you having to do anything. For more information about B2B collaboration, see What is guest user access in Azure Active Directory B2B?.

Diagram showing how a guest user is authenticated in their home directory

Next steps

Azure Active Directory is becoming Microsoft Entra ID

To unify the Microsoft Entra product family, reflect the progression to modern multicloud identity security, and simplify secure access experiences for all, we’re renaming Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to Microsoft Entra ID.

No action is required from you

If you’re using Azure AD today or are currently deploying Azure AD in your organizations, you can continue to use the service without interruption. All existing deployments, configurations, and integrations will continue to function as they do today without any action from you.

You can continue to use familiar Azure AD capabilities that you can access through the Azure portal, Microsoft 365 admin center, and the Microsoft Entra admin center.

Only the name is changing

All features and capabilities are still available in the product. Licensing, terms, service-level agreements, product certifications, support and pricing remain the same.

Service plan display names will change on October 1, 2023. Microsoft Entra ID Free, Microsoft Entra ID P1, and Microsoft Entra ID P2 will be the new names of standalone offers, and all capabilities included in the current Azure AD plans remain the same. Microsoft Entra ID – currently known as Azure AD – will continue to be included in Microsoft 365 licensing plans, including Microsoft 365 E3 and Microsoft 365 E5. Details on pricing and what’s included are available on the pricing and free trials page.

Diagram showing the new name for Azure AD and Azure AD External Identities.

During 2023, you may see both the current Azure AD name and the new Microsoft Entra ID name in support area paths. For self-service support, look for the topic path of “Microsoft Entra” or “Azure Active Directory/Microsoft Entra ID.”

Identity developer and devops experiences aren’t impacted by the rename

To make the transition seamless, all existing login URLs, APIs, PowerShell cmdlets, and Microsoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL) stay the same, as do developer experiences and tooling.

Microsoft identity platform encompasses all our identity and access developer assets. It will continue to provide the resources to help you build applications that your users and customers can sign in to using their Microsoft identities or social accounts.

Naming is also not changing for:

Frequently asked questions

When is the name change happening?

The name change will start appearing across Microsoft experiences after a 30-day notification period, which started July 11, 2023. Display names for SKUs and service plans will change on October 1, 2023. We expect most naming text string changes in Microsoft experiences to be completed by the end of 2023.

Why is the name being changed?

As part of our ongoing commitment to simplify secure access experiences for everyone, the renaming of Azure AD to Microsoft Entra ID is designed to make it easier to use and navigate the unified and expanded Microsoft Entra product family.

What is Microsoft Entra?

Microsoft Entra helps you protect all identities and secure network access everywhere. The expanded product family includes:

Identity and access managementNew identity categoriesNetwork access
Microsoft Entra ID (currently known as Azure AD)Microsoft Entra Verified IDMicrosoft Entra Internet Access
Microsoft Entra ID GovernanceMicrosoft Entra Permissions ManagementMicrosoft Entra Private Access
Microsoft Entra External IDMicrosoft Entra Workload ID

Where can I manage Microsoft Entra ID?

You can manage Microsoft Entra ID and all other Microsoft Entra solutions in the Microsoft Entra admin center or the Azure portal.

What are the display names for service plans and SKUs?

Licensing, pricing, and functionality aren’t changing. Display names will be updated October 1, 2023 as follows.

Old display name for service planNew display name for service plan
Azure Active Directory FreeMicrosoft Entra ID Free
Azure Active Directory Premium P1Microsoft Entra ID P1
Azure Active Directory Premium P2Microsoft Entra ID P2
Azure Active Directory for educationMicrosoft Entra ID for education
Old display name for product SKUNew display name for product SKU
Azure Active Directory Premium P1Microsoft Entra ID P1
Azure Active Directory Premium P1 for studentsMicrosoft Entra ID P1 for students
Azure Active Directory Premium P1 for facultyMicrosoft Entra ID P1 for faculty
Azure Active Directory Premium P1 for governmentMicrosoft Entra ID P1 for government
Azure Active Directory Premium P2Microsoft Entra ID P2
Azure Active Directory Premium P2 for studentsMicrosoft Entra ID P2 for students
Azure Active Directory Premium P2 for facultyMicrosoft Entra ID P2 for faculty
Azure Active Directory Premium P2 for governmentMicrosoft Entra ID P2 for government
Azure Active Directory F2Microsoft Entra ID F2

Is Azure AD going away?

No, only the name Azure AD is going away. Capabilities remain the same.

The naming of features changes to Microsoft Entra. For example:

  • Azure AD tenant -> Microsoft Entra tenant
  • Azure AD account -> Microsoft Entra account
  • Azure AD joined -> Microsoft Entra joined
  • Azure AD Conditional Access -> Microsoft Entra Conditional Access

All features and capabilities remain unchanged aside from the name. Customers can continue to use all features without any interruption.

Are licenses changing? Are there any changes to pricing?

No. Prices, terms and service level agreements (SLAs) remain the same. Pricing details are available at https://www.microsoft.com/security/business/microsoft-entra-pricing.

Will Microsoft Entra ID be available as a free service with an Azure subscription?

Customers currently using Azure AD Free as part of their Azure, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Teams, or Intune subscription will continue to have access to the same capabilities. It will be called Microsoft Entra ID Free. Get the free version at https://www.microsoft.com/security/business/microsoft-entra-pricing.

What’s changing for Microsoft 365 or Azure AD for Office 365?

Microsoft Entra ID – currently known as Azure AD – will continue to be available within Microsoft 365 enterprise and business premium offers. Office 365 was renamed Microsoft 365 in 2022. Unique capabilities in the Azure AD for Office 365 apps (such as company branding and self-service sign-in activity search) will now be available to all Microsoft customers in Microsoft Entra ID Free.

What’s changing for Microsoft 365 E3?

There are no changes to the identity features and functionality available in Microsoft 365 E3. Microsoft 365 E3 includes Microsoft Entra ID P1, currently known as Azure AD Premium P1.

What’s changing for Microsoft 365 E5?

In addition to the capabilities they already have, Microsoft 365 E5 customers will also get access to new identity protection capabilities like token protection, Conditional Access based on GPS-based location and step-up authentication for the most sensitive actions. Microsoft 365 E5 includes Microsoft Entra P2, currently known as Azure AD Premium P2.

How and when are customers being notified?

The name changes are publicly announced as of July 11, 2023.

Banners, alerts, and message center posts will notify users of the name change. These will be displayed on the tenant overview page, portals including Azure, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Entra admin center, and Microsoft Learn.

What if I use the Azure AD name in my content or app?

We’d like your help spreading the word about the name change and implementing it in your own experiences. If you’re a content creator, author of internal documentation for IT or identity security admins, developer of Azure AD–enabled apps, independent software vendor, or Microsoft partner, we hope you use the naming guidance outlined in the following section (Azure AD name changes and exceptions) to make the name change in your content and product experiences by the end of 2023.

Azure AD name changes and exceptions

We encourage content creators, organizations with internal documentation for IT or identity security admins, developers of Azure AD-enabled apps, independent software vendors, or partners of Microsoft to stay current with the new naming guidance by updating copy by the end of 2023. We recommend changing the name in customer-facing experiences, prioritizing highly visible surfaces.

Product name

Replace the product name “Azure Active Directory” or “Azure AD” or “AAD” with Microsoft Entra ID.

Microsoft Entra is the correct name for the family of identity and network access solutions, one of which is Microsoft Entra ID.


Azure AD is becoming Microsoft Entra ID, and the product icon is also being updated. Work with your Microsoft partner organization to obtain the new product icon.

Feature names

Capabilities or services formerly known as “Azure Active Directory <feature name>” or “Azure AD <feature name>” will be branded as Microsoft Entra product family features. For example:

  • “Azure AD Conditional Access” is becoming “Microsoft Entra Conditional Access”
  • “Azure AD single sign-on” is becoming “Microsoft Entra single sign-on”
  • “Azure AD tenant” is becoming “Microsoft Entra tenant”

Exceptions to Azure AD name change

Products or features that are being deprecated aren’t being renamed. These products or features include:

Names that don’t have “Azure AD” also aren’t changing. These products or features include Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Microsoft identity platform, and Windows Server Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).

End users shouldn’t be exposed to the Azure AD or Microsoft Entra ID name. For sign-ins and account user experiences, follow guidance for work and school accounts in Sign in with Microsoft branding guidelines.

Azure Active Directory libraries for .NET

Client library

Provide scoped access to web APIs protected by Azure AD using OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 with the Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET (MSAL.NET).

Install the NuGet package directly from the Visual Studio Package Manager console or with the .NET Core CLI.

Visual Studio Package Manager

Install-Package Microsoft.Identity.Client



dotnet add package Microsoft.Identity.Client

Code example

Retrieve an access token for the Microsoft Graph API in a desktop application (public client).


/* Include this using directive:
using Microsoft.Identity.Client;

string ClientId = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"; // Application (client) ID
string Tenant = "common";
string Instance = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/";

string graphAPIEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me";
string[] scopes = new string[] { "user.read" };

AuthenticationResult authResult = null;

var app = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(ClientId)

var accounts = await app.GetAccountsAsync();
var firstAccount = accounts.FirstOrDefault();

    // Always first try to acquire a token silently.
    authResult = await app.AcquireTokenSilent(scopes, firstAccount)
catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex)
    // If an MsalUiRequiredException occurred when AcquireTokenSilent was called,
    // it indicates you need to call AcquireTokenInteractive to acquire a token.
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"MsalUiRequiredException: {ex.Message}");

        authResult = await app.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes)
    catch (MsalException msalex)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Error acquiring Token:{System.Environment.NewLine}{msalex}");
catch (Exception ex)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Error acquiring token silently:{System.Environment.NewLine}{ex}");

if (authResult != null)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Access token:{System.Environment.NewLine}{authResult.AccessToken}");

Blazor Interview Questions and answer.

1. What Is Blazor?

Building contemporary, scalable, and cross-platform Web applications with C# and.NET is made possible with the free, open-source, Blazor Web framework.
It was originally intended for C# and.NET developers who wanted to create web client applications using the C# language that Blazor, a project of Microsoft and the open-source community, was developed.

Modern, swift, and quickly changing best describes Blazor. Both client-side and server-side coding is supported by Blazor. .NET is used to write both the server-side and client-side app logic.

Blazor generates the user interface as HTML and CSS for wide browser compatibility, including mobile browsers, despite the fact that the code is written in.NET and C#.

2. Describe The Components In The Blazor Framework?

The Razor template engine, which is used by Blazor, creates HTML and sends it to web browsers. Together, HTML and C# syntax can be used in Razor templates, which are subsequently compiled by the Razor engine to produce HTML.

For the logic in Blazor Components, we have two options: we can split the logic and write the component functions into a separate C# class file.

For writing the C# functions alongside the HTML, we utilize the @code block. The “. razor” extension is used by Blazor to identify components.

3. Why Should I Use Blazor?

Developers with backgrounds in C# and.NET who are not at ease with JavaScript are the target audience for Blazor. Blazor has the following benefits:

  • Use C# instead of JavaScript when writing code.
  • Share app logic between the client and the server.
  • Utilize the.NET libraries that already exist in the.NET environment.
  • Gain from the performance, dependability, and security of.NET.
  • Build your application using a reliable, feature-rich, and user-friendly collection of languages, frameworks, and tools.
  • Utilize Visual Studio on Windows, Linux, and macOS to be productive.

4. What Purposes Does Blazor Serve?

For creating web-based apps, Blazor is utilized. This can apply to websites, mobile applications, and anything else you can create with JavaScript.

You can carry out a variety of typical development activities with the help of the framework, including rendering HTML and component code, obtaining data through HTTP, and client-side routing.

It has complete access to the JavaScript APIs of the browser when used on one. Therefore, Blazor programs can utilize both.NET methods from JavaScript functions and.NET methods from JavaScript functions.

Developers utilize JavaScript interop when the framework lacks a certain API or component or when they wish to work with the JavaScript ecosystem.

5. What Do You Mean By Blazor WebAssembly?

Microsoft has developed a new UI technology called Blazor WebAssembly. Utilizing a component-based design, Blazor enables developers to construct single-page applications (SPAs) using C# and.NET.

A.NET runtime is included in the client-side, in-browser implementation of Blazor called Blazor WebAssembly. With the introduction of Blazor WebAssembly, C# can now be used to develop client-side SPAs.

Previously, Blazor Server and ASP.NET Core MVC, both of which are server-side solutions, could be used to build websites.

Blazor WebAssembly is for you if you want to broaden your skill set, use new Microsoft technologies, or are just interested in WebAssembly in general.

6. What Benefits And Drawbacks Does Blazor WebAssembly Offer?


  • Network with less lag
  • offline assistance.
  • Understanding JavaScript is not required for client-side interactions.


  • Large page download size.
  • Limited.Net Assemblies support.
  • Client-side debugging is not very effective.
  • Not very safe; the browser will download DLLs.
  • Dependency on the browser; Internet Explorer is not supported.

7. What Is The Role Of Directing In Blazor?

Routes are URL models, and routing is model planning that includes an action to filter purchases and determine how to handle each sale. ASP.net Core Endpoint Routing is used by the Blazor specialized application.

The shifting toward the relationship for the Blazor part is beginning to be recognized by ASP.net Core using the MapBlazorHub extension technique for endpoint guidance.

The client-side routing is provided by the Blazor client application. The switch is set up in the App. cshtml record of the Blazor client application.

The fallback course is determined by the Blazor Server application license. It is effective in directing planning with little demand.

The fallback strategy can be used when different strategies are not supported. The _Host—cshtml portion mostly describes the fallback mechanism.

8. Which Existence Cycle Approaches Are Used By Blazor Components?

In the present example of Blazor pieces as constructed, as well as nonconcurrent tactics, the Blazor application grants diverse skills to direct tasks are:

  • Instated
  • OnInitializedAsync
  • OnParametersSet
  • OnParameters
  • SetAsync
  • OnAfterRender
  • OnAfterRenderAsync

9. By “Blazor Server,” What Do You Mean?

In order to express the logic for the client browser, Microsoft Blazor Server decouples the application levels using Blazor Components (in the form of Razor components).

The ASP.Net Core framework served as the foundation for Blazor. It offers assistance with hosting Razor components in an ASP.NET Core application on the server.

For connecting to the DOM at the client-side in the ASP.Net server, Blazor employs the SignalR.

10. What Benefits And Drawbacks Does The Blazor Server Offer?


  • Use with any software.
  • An incredible little page download space is used.
  • JavaScript has no prerequisites.
  • Code will be, in a sense, on the server, which is far more secure.
  • Full support of online social activities while you are employing spot internet concentration from a professional.


  • Monitoring SignalR events requires more resources.
  • High network of sluggishness for coordinated worker activities
  • Each scenario requires a working professional; there should be no disconnected aid.

11. What Circumstances Would Make It Wise For Me To Use Blazor Server?

For our.NET apps, Blazor enables us to create rich, user-friendly interfaces. Numerous justifications exist for using Blazor Server.

  • When you must transfer work from the client to the employee.
  • The current application justification should not be altered for any persuasive reason.
  • Applications that require the use of low-controlled devices can benefit greatly from it.
  • The association set up for Blazor Server apps just needs a little download.

12. Which Stages Does Blazor Uphold?

Applications from Blazor can be shown and used on platforms including Windows, Linux, macOS, the cloud, and the web. Applications on the client and worker sides are both maintained by Blazor.

Applications for Blazor’s laborer side are created with ASP.NET Core. WebAssembly is used to run the customer-side Blazor apps in web programs.

Blazor is used to build online apps, cloud-neighborhood applications, local flexible applications, and Windows client applications.

13. What Distinguishes Blazor WebAssembly From Blazor Server?

Blazor provides Blazor server and Blazor WebAssembly as its two application development methods. Blazor Server applications manage UI interactions through a live SignalR connection while hosting Blazor components on the server.

ASP.NET Core renders Razor components, compiles C# code on the server, and then uses SignalR to send the produced UI elements back to the browser.

The Blazor WebAssembly apps use a WebAssembly runtime that is exclusive to.NET, unlike Blazor Server, which hosts components client-side in the browser.

.NET must be transformed into browser components by the runtime. The client-side browser manages every component and its rendering process.

14. When Should I Use Blazer WebAssembly Instead Of Blazer Server?

For C# and.NET developers who wish to create client-side web applications that run in the browser without a server, Blazor WebAssembly provides an alternative.

A Blazor WebAssembly program does not need a server, in contrast to Blazor Server, and all code is performed in the browser. Here are several scenarios when Blazor WebAssembly could be preferable over Blazor Server.

  • You want to create static web pages quickly.
  • You lack server-side and ASP.NET programming knowledge.
  • On the server, managing and distributing code is not something you want to do.
  • You want to make use of CPU, memory, and storage as well as client browsers.
  • You want to create web applications that can operate entirely offline.
  • Real-time replies and a continuously updating UI are what you want to design.
  • To add live alerts, local browser storage, messages, and server workers, you want to make use of contemporary technologies, such as progressive web applications (PWA).

15. What Does Routing Mean In Blazor?

A route is a pattern of a URL, and routing is a process of pattern matching that keeps track of the requests and decides what to do with each one. ASP.net Core Endpoint Routing is used by the Blazor server application.

Incoming connections for the Blazor component are now being accepted by ASP.net Core using the MapBlazorHub extension method of endpoint routing.

Client-side routing is offered by the Blazor client application. The Blazor client app’s App.cshtml file contains the router configuration information.

Blazor Client App

Blazor Client App

Blazor Server App

Blazor Server App

16. How Does Blazor Server Handle Authorization?

The process of authorization verifies that the user has permission to access the resource of the program.

In other words, it enables you to limit user access to a resource in accordance with roles, claims, and rules. By leveraging attributes, built-in components, and the definition of authorization rules, Blazor’s ASP.NET Core authorization system can be implemented.

Blazor’s built-in AuthorizeView component can display page content dependent on the user’s authentication status. Along with role-based authorization, this component also provides policy-based authorization.

This component comes in very handy when you want to display page content according to a user’s role, policy, or authentication status.

The authentication state of the user is known thanks to AuthentizationStateProvider.

17. How Can The Blazor Server App Be Created And Operated Using CLI Commands?

To create a Blazor server app using the asp.net core CLI, open a command line and enter the following command:

Blazor Server App Using CLI Commands

18. How Can The Blazor WebAssembly App Be Created And Executed Using CLI Commands?

By utilizing the asp.net core CLI, we can construct a Blazor WebAssembly program by opening the command line and entering the following command:

Blazor WebAssembly App Be Created And Executed Using CLI Commands

19. What Does Blazor’s Data Binding Mean?

In this battle to be the greatest web development framework, Blazor is giving other contemporary web development frameworks a tough fight.

Bindings are the key to interacting with data or control objects like Textboxes, Selects, or Forms components.

With One-way, Two-way Data Binding and robust event binding behavior, Blazor offers the finest approach to using bindings.

20. How Is Two-Way Data Binding Carried Out In Blazor?

In this case, information flows simultaneously from the source to the destination and from the destination to the source.

For example, let’s say we use the data variables of my component class(es) as a source and need to access the value of this variable on the HTML UI in order to display or edit some messages.

We have @bind from the razor in Blazor to read the value of any data variable in a Blazor component.

When the user edits the data and shifts the attention to another element, @bind keeps the value it received from the ref and updates the original source element.

Two Way Data Binding

21. Can Blazor WebAssembly Communicate With SQL Server Or Other Databases?

Blazor is.NET code that runs on the client. The IL code will be downloaded to the client-side, making reverse engineering easy. And because of that, you ought to avoid including any secrets—like passwords—in your Blazor WASM code.

Your Blazor application would need to connect with a remote database using a username-password combination, which could only be saved in the app. Don’t do that — it’s a massive security risk.

You should only use a service, which has a restricted access layer, to access distant data. Create a service API around your database that exposes the operations you wish to provide, such as REST, for example.

You can then use security tokens on that API to make sure that only authorized users can access the API and, therefore, your data.